Latin Classes Recreate Famous Works of Art - News & Photos - McDonogh School-bet356

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Latin Classes Recreate Famous Works of Art

Inspired by the many "art recreation" challenges currently circulating on social media, Upper School teachers Jennifer Jerger and Elizabeth Bartlett collaborated on an assignment for their Latin classes which they hoped would challenge their students' creativity, combat boredom, and connect them with the material in new and interesting ways.

Jerger and Bartlett asked their students to recreate famous works of art that were related to what they were studying in class. Latin 1 was learning about the Roman heroes Horatius Cocles and Cloelia, while Latin II was reading about Hercules' Labors. Their classes, predominantly made up of seniors, finished the year learning about the Trojan War. Students scoured the web for related paintings or sculptures and then used pets, objects found in their homes, and family members to help them recreate the works. The juxtapositions are fantastic, and this project is another shining example of McDonogh teachers finding a way to keep joy in virtual learning.