Auction for Haiti - News & Photos - McDonogh School-bet356

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Auction for Haiti

Seniors in the Leadership term elective staged an entertaining auction yesterday that brought in $2,112 for Haitian earthquake relief.

As the paddles went up in the Ceres M. Horn Theatre, so did the proceeds for Partners in Health, a non-profit organization that has provided medical care in Haiti for more than 20 years.

A engaging, personable student auctioneer, clever staging by the Leadership class, and appealing auction items made the event fun as well as profitable.

An XBox system and autographed pro sports memorabilia were raffle favorites. Plus, a live auction of teacher-provided service inspired some determined, lively bidding.

Gianni V. '13 won the opportunity to be headmaster for a day. Dan B. '10 outbid Ms. O. and Mrs. Ford for a French dinner made and served by Mme. Warner and Mr. Sanborn.

Other services offered included birdwatching with history teachers Dave Harley and Harry Canellakis and a rockin' bowling party with history teacher Bridget Collins. Cooking, jewelry-making, and acting lessons were also up for bid.

Two teachers even offered to clean the winning bidder's room. Surprisingly, only one student wanted that service!

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