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Major Gift Names Future 餐厅 Hall

Board of Trustees President Mike Falcone '79 announced on August 24 that the Paterakis family has made a major gift for the main dining hall in the planned St. John Student Center. The Deborah A. Paterakis Hall will be named in memory of Debbie Paterakis, devoted wife of Bill Paterakis and mother of Adam '08, 乔纳森08年, 和Kira '08.

Energetic and passionate, Debbie Paterakis was not only devoted to the triplets, she was a dedicated volunteer and supporter of McDonogh School. She lived by the motto, "How hard could it be?" and was known for her ability to get things done when others couldn't.

Diagnosed with colon cancer when her children were in eighth grade, Debbie was determined to survive the disease. Despite her indomitable spirit, lots of community support, and aggressive medical care, Debbie died shortly before Christmas in 2005.

Few knew that before becoming a full-time mom, Debbie had been a Merrill Lynch stockbroker and at one time was a Baltimore Colts cheerleader.

Bill Paterakis, a McDonogh trustee since 2005, was present when Falcone announced the gift at the opening faculty-staff meeting on August 24 in Tagart Memorial Chapel. The audience gave Bill Paterakis a standing ovation in acknowledgment of his family's exceptional generosity. Some had tears in their eyes after Falcone recounted Debbie's story.

Falcone revealed what Bill Paterakis said recently about why the family made such an extraordinary gift: "'My kids have been molded into who they are by my wife and by the faculty of this school. This is my way of honoring my wife and thanking McDonogh for the guiding light they provided.'"

Bill Paterakis once said that Debbie valued the family atmosphere at the dining hall. She also liked that faculty and students sat together and that there was a sense of decorum during the meal.

Added Falcone, "Debbie would have loved our new plans and supported our mission to achieve 'dining with distinction.'"

圣. John Student Center including the Deborah A. Paterakis Hall is part of the school's 校园 Master Plan. The start date for the project depends on funding.