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A Brave New World

Wait a minute. You mean the students are in the classroom, but the teacher isn't? And he's still teaching them?

是的, that's just what happened on Monday, January 31 in the chemistry lab in Allan Building.

Reports Science Department Chair Andy Motsko: "While I was in Lee Shang's room rolling bowling balls out of the window for AP Physics, I witnessed the future. Lee, home sick, was teaching his chemistry class from the confines of his house via Skype."

"One of his students used his smart phone to contact Lee. The phone was then plugged into a classroom laptop, which allowed projection onto a screen. Lee was at home writing and narrating the lesson on his tablet, and it was projected in real time onto the screen."

"It didn't appear any different or sound any different than if Lee were actually there using his tablet to deliver the material."

"The kids were enthralled and were completely focused as not to miss a word of Lee's lesson. If a student had a question, they simply got up, moved near the phone and asked it. Lee again was able to respond both visually and verbally in real time."

Writes Director of 技术 Jack Hardcastle, "There will always be times when substitutes will be necessary, the teacher is not just sick but is actually unavailable. No employee should ever feel like he or she is expected to work while they are home sick..."

"That said, [technology is] great for snow days too.  Just look at at what Harry Canellakis did [February 1] with his students, bringing them into a digital classroom even though each student was at his or her home, 坐在

Canellakis, an English and history teacher, conducted one of his classes using Adobe Connect software.

"We met at 9 a.m. on Tuesday and went over a chapter in our textbook. 对我来说, the real advantage of the idea of meeting for an video conferencing class on a snow day is not necessarily to punish the kids but to reduce the stress that students and teachers inevitably feel from the sense of lost time. If I'm able to meet with the students on a snow day, I won't feel the need to cram two days into one when we get back," said Canellakis.

A brave new world, indeed.