Construction Update - News & Photos - McDonogh School-bet356

News & Photos

CMP: Turf Field in Play, Next Up?

There's nothing like instant gratification. Well, maybe not instant, but close.

The turf field, an item on the Campus Master Plan to-do list a month ago, is already in use by teams preparing for the fall season. A scoreboard and lights are on hold until funding is secured. The lower school playground is almost ready for action, too.

Elsewhere on campus, a clay shell marks the storm-water management pond. This infrastructure project must be completed before any buildings are built. It will keep water from seeping into the surrounding earth and compromising building foundations.

Improvement of the Woods/McDonogh Road intersection is moving along. Expect McDonogh Road to be widened in the next month. Engineers still have to solve a design issue before the road can be fully widened and a traffic light installed. Watch for flaggers during off-peak traffic times.

Infrastructure work will continue through the fall. Before existing parking lots become construction zones, new ones will be built. One will go across from the dining hall, another below the turf field.

When you look around campus, there's no doubt that McDonogh is in construction mode. Safety fencing, heavy equipment, and mounds of dirt and debris have changed the landscape.

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