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2019 Sankofa Conference a Success

Members of McDonogh's Sankofa Club


更多的 than 200 students from 14 area independent schools attended McDonogh’s 4th Annual Sankofa Conference on Friday, February 22. The goal of the conference planned entirely by McDonogh's Sankofa Club was for students to learn about themselves, gain a new perspective on others, branch out, and become inspired.

Throughout the day, attendees cycled through sessions on topics including Youth Incarceration, Mental Health in the Black 社区, and The American Dream vs. The African American Dream. They also played Factuality, a facilitated dialogue, crash course, and board game all in one, that simulates real-life advantages and limitations based on the intersection of race, 性别, sexual orientation, 信仰, and class in America.

Sankofa Club member Nigel Campbell-Christie ’19, one of the coordinators of the conference, says that the day was an overwhelming success. “We had a record number of participants and a lot of good conversation.”

Nigel described some of the new elements of the 2019 conference including spoken word poetry performed during lunch by Tahir Atkinson '20 and AJ Davis '19. Additionally, there was an ice cream break provided by the socially conscious Taharka Brothers, a company that strives to promote leadership skills among urban men.

Constance Green, the faculty advisor to Sankofa was impressed by the initiative and hospitality shown by the club members in planning and running the event. 她说, “The students welcomed kids from the other schools and made sure that they had a positive experience. They really did a great job.”

Sankofa comes from the language of Ghana and means you must reach back to reclaim that which is lost in order to move forward. McDonogh's Sankofa Club was formerly the Black Awareness Club,