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The presentation of three faculty chairs, 这是在2020-2021学年之前的一周会议和专业发展期间在Zoom上进行的, 传统仪式的所有元素都具备了吗. The names of the honorees, a closely-held secret, required everyone to guess who, among their colleagues, earned the awards. On each of the three days, 当87届的校长戴夫·法拉斯读到这些故事时,谁获得了荣誉就一目了然了, 在Zoom聊天功能和名字正式公布的时候,人们纷纷表示祝贺, 麦克风暂时关闭,以便让获奖者听到教职员工的欢呼声. Family members, who were in on the surprise, 来到了获奖者的变焦屏幕,并颁发了奖项——一个事先悄悄送到的银碗. This year, as in the past, 当之无愧的获奖者完全被这个荣誉惊呆了.

George Webb Awarded the Thomas R. Harper ’63 Teaching Chair

Farace在演讲开始时描述了这位老师是一个“儿童磁铁”,尤其是在公共汽车站. 他说:“这就像摇滚明星在演出结束后与粉丝见面一样. 学生们在他周围笑、喊、挥手、碰拳. 她们争夺他的注意力,争夺他的微笑或一瞥. 在这一切之中,老师安详地站着. 他散发着温暖和幽默,吸收周围的正能量并将其反射回来.”

As Farace continued, clues were revealed--his deep passion for educating young people about social justice issues; training and certification in Kingian Nonviolence; his 15 years of teaching fourth graders about the power of peaceful protest and fair conflict resolution; Lower School Rights Week; the fourth grade Passion Project; and his deep desire to teach others how to recognize a wrong and peacefully make it right.

In closing, Farace quoted a colleague who said, “他是我认识的最全面、最脚踏实地的人. He totally trusts and respects his students. In some ways, he thinks of them as equals. I have heard him say, ‘Sometimes I’m gonna’ teach you; sometimes you’re gonna’ teach me. 我会给你所有你需要的工具,你从那里开始.’”

毫无疑问,很明显托马斯·R. 哈珀63年的教学主席不是别人,正是乔治·韦伯.

Nancy McFadden授予1952级Charles C. Kinard, Sr. Master Teaching Chair

“今天的获奖者被描述为‘麦当劳精神和我们的品格指南针价值观的绝对体现’,’”法拉斯开始第二次演示时说. 她的同事们都知道她非常善良, a beacon of warmth and joy, creative, full of hope, generous, and wicked smart. An advocate, mentor, and champion of students, she is also known as a stalwart friend, performer, lover of learning, and lover of life. 她受到所有与她同行的人的尊敬和钦佩.”

Farace继续强调她在中学30年的亮点,指出她的学生对介词的了解以及她对记忆法的力量的信念. 他谈到了她在成为角色时的活力, 她希望她的学生能认同他, by donning costumes, assuming accents, 从她大量的装备中汲取灵感. 她最著名的角色是“拉法基夫人”,她的法国口音和飘逸的服装, she engages students in the art of writing, character development, sentence structure, organizational strategies, poetry -- well, quite simply, in all things fifth grade,” Farace said.

如果她在Zoom上的同事还没有确定金纳德大师教学椅的接受者是南希·麦克法登, 法拉斯提到她在黑人联盟的工作,以及她代表整个中学社区写的卡片,这肯定会泄露她的秘密.

Craig Whiteford Awarded the Howard C. “Dutch” Eyth Teaching Chair

在他bet356最终获得教职员职位的讲话中, Farace said, “这位老师刚加入低年级教师队伍就立刻崭露头角. 男老师担任班主任已经有一段时间了. Not only was he a ‘Mr.’ but he was kind, encouraging, and funny. 他轻松地微笑着,认真地听着孩子们说的每一句话. They were smitten.”

Farace spoke about the honoree’s dedication, hard work, curriculum development, leadership, enthusiasm, and passion for environmental science. 他援引一位同事的话说,“我认为他是男性版的奥巴马. Frizzle. 我发誓他把绿色的根牌货车当成他的魔法校车. 他和孩子们挤进了面包车,当他们到达鲁特时,他们消失在了庄稼里. He is right there with them, examining the skunk cabbage, tasting the tomatoes, or discovering a deer skull. 他最想要的是让孩子们直接接触大自然,体验大自然所能给他们的一切. 他让他们沉浸在自然世界中,他们都能从自然世界中得到他们所能得到的.”

在正式宣布克雷格·怀特福德获得霍华德C奖之前. “Dutch” Eyth Teaching Chair, 法拉奇分享了这位科学教师的核心理念:走出去, take chances, make mistakes, get messy.

麦当劳已经设立了9个捐赠教学席. 他们的名字是为了纪念“荷兰”艾丝, Ray Oliver, Tom Harper, Doc Lamborn, John Grega, Charles Kinard, Sue Newton, Wright Abbott, and the Rollins-Luetkemeyer Foundation. 捐赠主席是教育工作者所能获得的最高荣誉. 该奖项旨在表彰优秀的教学以及对麦当劳社区的承诺. Each recipient, who is selected by the administrative team, 担任主席三年,并在他或她的工资之外获得津贴.