K-4 Curriculum - Lower School - McDonogh School-bet356

K-4 Curriculum

K-4 Curriculum

来到麦当劳的学生有着各种各样的经历和背景. They are naturally curious and have a desire to learn. Under the loving care of our dedicated faculty, students grow intellectually, artistically, physically, socially, and emotionally. Guided by the tenants of our school-wide LifeReady Strategic Plan, 我们的创新和协调的学术课程提供了必要的刺激和方向,以挑战渴望的年轻人的头脑. Children are encouraged to be their authentic selves, take intellectual risks, and even make mistakes in our safe and supportive environment.

Typically, 学生们被分成四个小组,每组大约16名学生,在那里他们学习阅读, writing, phonics, language arts, math, and social studies. Special subject teachers instruct students in global connections, library/media, performing arts, physical education, science, Spanish, visual arts, and technology.



Our comprehensive approach to literacy incorporates phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. 教师经过专门培训,可以使用系统和明确的语音教学来提供差异化的教学, individualized vocabulary tools, grammar training, 还有一个结构化的扫盲计划,重点是基本技能和知识建设内容. Utilizing the reciprocal relationship between reading and writing, 学生获得技能和信心,因为他们培养了对各种形式的识字的热情.


In Lower School math, students learn the "why" behind the "how,这将导致更深层次的数学思维,远远超出死记硬背的流畅性. 这种学习模式要求学生首先发展他们的数学推理能力,然后再将他们的理解与概念和技能联系起来. Teachers use direct instruction, differentiated small groups, independent practice, and a hands-on, 合作的方法来发展和建立数学理解. 这种方法可以让学生认识到数学在日常生活中的重要性,并学习鼓励适应力的成长心态策略, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Social Studies

The Social Studies program uses the LifeReady 框架和国家标准,以帮助学生发展的理解和知识,需要在不断变化的世界积极参与. Each year, 学生建立在他们之前的知识和扩大他们对总体概念和思想的理解. What is the relationship between people, place, and environment? How can perspective impact someone's understanding of history? What are my rights and the rights of others? 孩子们被要求在探索社区领域的同时反思这些伟大的想法, climate, geography, government systems, history, and change, among many others. Through this inquiry-based approach, students learn to think critically, consider issues from various perspectives, question, and see connections across all subject areas.

Science and Engineering

低年级的科学和工程根植于学生最常问的问题:“为什么??” This question drives their exploration and learning, laying the groundwork for deeper understanding. 动手项目激发了他们天生的好奇心,让他们积极参与到材料中. Students explore life science, physical science, earth science, robotics, coding, and engineering through various activities and experiments. 这种全面的方法帮助他们理解这些学科是如何相互联系并应用于现实世界的. Children develop essential problem-solving skills by observing, predicting, and analyzing data, fostering a lifelong love for science and engineering.


Spanish Language

Starting in prekindergarten and continuing through fourth grade, 低年级学生开始他们的西班牙语之旅,重点是发展口头理解和口语能力. Engaging activities such as read-aloud, games, daily conversations, songs, role-playing, 各种真实的文化体验使学生成为学习的积极参与者. 这种动态的方法帮助他们经常和自信地使用关键的语言概念和词汇, deepening their interest and excitement for learning Spanish.

Global Connections: Learning in and with the world

低年级全球联系项目的主要目标是帮助麦克唐纳最年轻的学习者了解他们是一个庞大的世界的组成部分, interconnected global community. 学生们开始探索他们与世界各地社区的异同. This awareness is crucial in the development of kind, resilient learners and thoughtful, aware citizens. Additionally, 全球联系项目为学生创造了一个有意的空间, faculty, and staff to share their own cultural heritage and traditions; this strengthens and celebrates the diverse and inclusive community we strive for in our Mission.

Instructional Technology

麦克唐纳的低年级教学技术计划使学生能够自信和负责地驾驭数字世界. 他们学会使用学校管理的资源,有效地沟通,创造和分享他们的工作. 课程与年龄相适应,并与课堂课程相结合,以促进学习. Prekindergarten to prefirst students use iPads, 而一到四年级的学生则在使用具有平板电脑功能的chromebook. 互联网安全和数字公民是课程的关键组成部分.


Performing Arts

In the Lower School, 学生在表演艺术中找到乐趣,同时在节奏方面打下坚实的基础, singing, creating, moving, and improvisation. 他们在一个支持性的环境中培养自己的才能,发现新的能力. 表演艺术项目还包括每年为每个年级的学生表演, and optional individual music lessons are available.

In third and fourth grades, students can select electives like choir, drama, drum corps, strings, and laptop orchestra. 这些课程提供各种各样的体验,点燃学生的激情,提高他们的表演和音乐成长.

Visual Arts

The Lower School Visual Arts curriculum nurtures curiosity, intuitive thinking, discovery, and exploration. 年轻的艺术家使用各种材料建立基本的技能和技术, such as printmaking, collage, painting, ceramics, sculpture, drawing, and fiber art. 他们学习创造强大的构图和实践早期的艺术概念, 熟悉艺术元素和设计原则,同时了解不同的艺术家, styles, and processes.

In third and fourth grades, 学生可以选择额外的视觉艺术选修课,如木工, animations, drawing and painting, and ceramics.

Physical Education

体育教育的目标是让学生参与体育活动,同时鼓励合作, perseverance, sportsmanship, and team building. 低年级课程还帮助学生发展和完善粗大和精细的运动技能. 游泳和骑马课程也包括在一年级前和一至四年级的学生. 游戏和活动鼓励积极倾听、分享、合作和享受乐趣!


In a bright and inviting library space, students develop a deep appreciation for reading through storytime, book talks, and engaging research projects. 所有年级都有固定的上课时间,但学生可以随时借书. 学生们还被介绍到传统和技术资源,使他们接触到周围的广大信息世界.